As of 15 January 2008, Nord Pool Spot has extended the time period participants can publish urgent market messages (UMMs) directly to the market (exchange information no 03/2008). The intention was that the new arrangement should apply for a trial period limited to a maximum of two months.
After an evaluation, Nord Pool Spot has decided to introduce the period for direct publishing of UMMs as a permanent arrangement.
Between 04.00 p.m. and 08.00 a.m. CET on weekdays and the whole weekend - the participants may publish their UMMs directly without the approval of Nord Pool Spot.
Lysaker, 17 March 2008
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Spot:
Hilde Rosenblad, manager compliance, phone +47 6752 8030, Kenneth Andreassen, manager IT operations +47 6752 8029,