The Elspot price calculation on Wednesday 26 November, for delivery Thursday 27 November, will be performed on the SESAM 'disaster site'. This is done as an emergency exercise in order to confirm the functionality of the Elspot back up price calculation system.
This requires technical switches between the SESAM production site and the SESAM disaster site, which will make the SESAM system unavailable during the following hours:
• November 25: 15.00 - 18.00, switch from production site to disaster site.
• November 26: 15.00 - 18.00, switch back to production site.
During the switchovers the SESAM web system will be unavailable for Nord Pool Spot participants. Participants sending bids through EDI during switchover may experience delays in acknowledgements.
The switchover will have no practical implications except for the unavailability during the hours mentioned above.
Lysaker, 25 November 2008
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Spot:
Trading desk, phone: +47 67 52 80 10 / 80 12 or e.mail: