Nord Pool Spot AS has received the following message from Statnett:
On Monday 13 April 2009, the Elspot/Elbas areas of Norway will be changed according to the following:
Norway will be divided into three Elspot/Elbas areas:
- A southern Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO1) limited by the 300kV Øvre Vinstra-Vågåmo line, the 132 kV busbar at Litjfossen, and the 132 kV busbar at Åskåra.
- A middle Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO2) limited by the 300kV Øvre Vinstra-Vågåmo line, the 132 kV busbar at Litjfossen, the 132 kV busbar at Åskåra, the 300kV Nea-Jerpstrømmen line, the 300 kV Tunnsjødal-Verdal line and the 300kV Tunnsjødal-Namsos line.
- A northern Norway Elspot/Elbas area (NO3) north of the area defined above.
The area division will remain until further notice.
According to provisions for system responsibility in the power system (FoS), Statnett shall define Elspot/Elbas areas in order to deal with major and long-term congestions in the regional and central grid system, or possible lack of energy in defined geographical areas (§5). The combination of low reservoir content in Middle Norway and temporary reduction of import capacity in connection with the construction of a new 420 kV line between Middle Norway and Sweden can cause congestions in the system.
Lysaker, 2 April 2009
For further information, please contact Statnett:
Tom Tellefsen, department manager, National control center, phone + 47 2252 7443
Ina Wiese-Hansen, senior engineer, National control center, phone + 47 2252 7352