Nord Pool Spot has received the following message from Statnett:
From 17 February 2010 the interconnector 132 kV Eidskog-Charlottenberg will be included in the Elspot/Elbas market. The transmission line connects Southern Norway (NO1) and Sweden (SE) with a physical capacity of maximum 95 MW which will be included in the Elspot trading capacity NO1-SE. The Elspot flow NO1-SE will include both Eidskog-Charlottenberg and the Hasle-connection. The maximum NTC value NO1-SE will therefore increase to 2145 MW and the SE-NO1 value to 2095 MW.
The interconnector was built in 1985 and has been used for power-exchange for several years, but the capacity has not been a part of the Elspot trading capacity until 17 February 2010.
Lysaker, 12 February 2010
For further information, please contact:
Tom Tellefsen, Statnett, phone +47 2252 7443,
Johan Svensson, Svenska Kraftnät, phone +46 8 475 82 53,