Having handled coupled power trading markets since 1996, Nord Pool not only has long-term experience and expertise, but also some strong views on the best fallback solution for the European single day-ahead power market coupling (SDAC).
Increasing connectivity and reliance of markets on the ever-more complex SDAC solution, emphasises just how important it is to ensure the solution produces robust and reliable results, without a fall back that relies upon splitting market liquidity by decoupling NEMOs or bidding zones. Nobody in this important market wants to be left with sub-optimal trades coupled with a risk of erratic price results.
On-going revision of the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) regulation, plus the recent ENTSO-E consultation around potential fallback solutions, has focused expert minds here at Nord Pool, on just what the best option for a reliable fallback solution should be.
Now you can read our views in full, here.