Central Europe day-ahead Update
As customers will already be aware, Nord Pool is preparing to expand our day-ahead offering into central Europe. We are keen to keep customers updated on developments around go live of the Multi NEMO Arrangements and in that spirit we would like to advise that planned go-live has now been rescheduled for Tuesday 18th June.
Member testing in preparation for our day-ahead market launch in Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany is now well underway, with many members having already participated.
We are happy to welcome Nord Pool members to participate in this test phase.
To sign up for access to the test system simply send a request to: support@nordpoolgroup.com
Nord Pool will continue to update customers should we become aware of any further changes around planned go live.
Pietro's our Man in CWE
Our next in-depth interview with one of our team of dedicated Market Managers features Pietro Rabassi, who many of you will already know as our Director Central Europe.
To find out more on what Pietro sees as his advantages and challenges in bringing Nord Pool’s offering to the CWE region, take a look here.
And there will be more interviews of our markets team in future Nord Pool Newsletters.
Latest Developments in UMM
As a result of customer feedback we recently released a new version of our REMIT UMM system including:
- Visually improved filters
- Option to view only messages published by own company
- Option to add Unit name when publishing other market messages
- Remarks field added to main page Messages List
- Improved access to user guide and support
- Visually improved graphs
- Enabled right click to open messages in new window
In addition, in response to the Nordic Transmission System Operators plan to launch an outage message collection system, Nord Pool is developing our UMM system to collect and republish TSO Transmission Outage Messages and other Market Information Messages.
More information will be provided closer to go live.
Finally, due to updated reporting requirements from Entso-e it will cease to be possible to publish overlapping UMMs (only relevant for “unavailability of electricity facilities” messages and does not apply to “other market information”).
After this update in the system it will no longer be possible to publish overlapping UMMs.
Ofgem Statement on Competition
Earlier this month Nord Pool welcomed a statement from Ofgem, the government regulator for gas and electricity markets in Great Britain, concerning GB – Ireland market coupling.
We believe this serves to emphasise the importance of establishing a level playing field between power exchanges if they are to deliver the full value of electricity market coupling both to market participants and to consumers.
Securing Your Data
At Nord Pool we have customer data security as our highest priority. That is why we are launching our new SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) data service, to ensure very high levels of data protection. The service comes at no extra cost and can be used as an alternative to our popular FTP server.
To start using the new service, simply contact support@nordpoolgroup.com to set up an account and then use your SFTP client to call: sftp.nordpoolgroup.com
For new customers, a subscription to our data license will be required to gain access.
Join Us in Dusseldorf
We hope to see many of our central European customers at the Montel German Energy Day at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Düsseldorf on Thursday 9th May.
From 16.25 our Central Europe Key Account Manager, Peter Böhmwalder, is part of the panel discussion on power purchase agreements, with the title ‘PPAs – boom or bust for market liquidity?’.