Nord Pool Spot AS has received the following message from Statnett:
On Monday 17 November 2008, the Elspot areas of Norway will be changed according to the following:
• Area NO1 no change.
• Areas NO2 and NO3 will be merged to a new Elspot area NO2.
Norway will then be divided in two Elspot areas:
• A Southern Norway Elspot area (NO1) limited by the 300kV Øvre Vinstra-Vågåmo line, the 132 kV bus bar at Litjfossen and the 132 kV bus bar at Åskåra.
• A Central/Northern Norway Elspot area (NO2) north of the area defined above.
The area division will remain until further notice.
According to provisions for system responsibility in the power system (FoS), Statnett shall define Elspot areas in order to deal with major and long-term bottlenecks in the regional and central grid system.
The hydrological situation in Central Norway is for the time being satisfactorily. Primo November 2008, Statnett will put into operation two new Static Var Compensators in Central Norway, thus completing the investments in reactive power installations. Statnett therefore do not foresee any need for a separate Elspot area in Central Norway the upcoming months.
Statnett continuously monitors the situation and will re-establish a separate Elspot area in Central Norway if the energy situation should require it.
Lysaker, 24 October 2008
For further information, please contact Statnett:
Øyvind Bergvoll, department manager, National control center, phone +47 2252 7265
Arne Kjell Nystad, senior engineer, National control center, phone +47 2252 7044