Nord Pool Spot AS has received the following message from Statnett:
From 1 June, the Rød-Hasle connection will be back in operation.
The thermal transmission capacity on Rød-Hasle is permanently reduced to 65% compared to previous capacity (before April 2008). This will lead to reduced export capacity from NO1 to SE under certain conditions, such as:
• High import from Denmark and the Netherlands and export to Sweden through Hasle (transit).
• Unfavourable distribution of production between the two transmission corridors Flesaker and Hallingdal.
Most of the time, the NO1-SE capacity will be 2 050 MW (as earlier), but under certain unfavourable conditions the export capacity may be reduced to approximately 600 MW (worst case).
The NTC from SE to NO1 remains unchanged.
Lysaker, 4 May 2009
For further information, please contact Statnett:
Tom Tellefsen, department manager, National control centre, phone + 47 2252 7443
Ina Wiese-Hansen, senior engineer, National control centre, phone + 47 2252 7352