On 30 October 2012, the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority have decided to cancel Energinet.dk’s reservation of 300 MW intraday capacity from Eastern to Western Denmark on the Great Belt Power Link as of 1 January 2013.
Energinet.dk’s purchase in Western Denmark on the daily auction for manual reserves will generally be unchanged after 1 January 2013, even when this reservation is cancelled. In situations where the Elspot market causes the flow via the Great Belt Power Link to go from east to west, Energinet.dk will assess the necessity of purchasing up to 300 MW additional manual reserves in Western Denmark. In such situations, this will typically take place via the extraordinary auction for manual reserves taking place in the afternoon after the Elspot market result has been announced.
Energinet.dk does not agree with the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority’s decision. Energinet.dk holds the view that the reservation of intra-day capacity on the Great Belt Power Link has resulted in considerable benefit to Danish electricity consumers through lower costs for reserve capacity. Energinet.dk will therefore bring the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority’s decision before the Danish Energy Complaints Board with a view to reclaiming the right to reserve a small part of the intraday capacity on the Power Link. Energinet.dk does not expect this complaint to have suspensory effect.
Lysaker, 20 November 2012
For more information, please contact Energinet.dk:
Søren Klinge, Senior economist, + 45 76 22 44 36