This Exchange Information is a follow-up to Exchange Information No. 18/2012 - Implementation of Load Frequency Control in the Nordic synchronous system, No. 12/2013 – Update on implementation of Load Frequency Control in the Nordic synchronous system and No. 26/2013 Update on contracted FRR-A capacity in the Nordic synchronous system.
The implementation of automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves (FRR-A) in the Nordic power system started in December 2012. All four Nordic transmission system operators implemented FRR-A. The base FRR-A volume during the test period in the Nordic synchronous system is 100 MW. During week 10 to 17 tests have been performed with a capacity in the range of 100 to 400 MW.
Because the Nordic transmission system operators observed that in some parts of the Nordic system the FRR-A capability (number and capacity of units that are able to provide FRR-A) was limited and that the available FRR-A capacity was reduced due to the seasonal ‘spring flood’ conditions, the TSOs decided in May 2013 to reduce the contracted FRR-A capacity for the period from 20 May to 16 September 2013 to 0 MW.
The Nordic TSOs will start contracting 100 MW FRR-A per 16 September 2013. Additional tests with FRR-A will be scheduled starting from 7 October 2013.
Lysaker, 6 September 2013
For further information, please contact:
Karolina Näsholm, Svenska Kraftnät, +46 8 4758201
Gunnar Nilssen, Statnett, +47 23903238
Anders Lundberg, Fingrid, +358 40 519 5066.
Kaj Christensen,, +45 76224203
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